Pre-Optometry Professional Society

Countdown to Spring Conference!



11:00 am – 11:00 pm


7:00 pm – 10:00 pm


6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Happy Workplace Eye Wellness Month!

Each year, approximately 25,000 Americans are injured due to a workplace eye injury. This is a reminder to wear certified and approved eye protection!

General Meetings

Come to our general meetings to learn more about our organization and how we can help you on your optometric path!

Volunteering Opportunities

View our Events page to see all the volunteer opportunities we have posted!

We also have a main volunteering event every semester, where all the officers and POPS members all gather for a volunteering event!

Job Portal

As a member, you have access to the job portal with several listing all over Houston that are looking for applicants!

Shoot the webmaster an email and she’ll gladly provide the password.


Contact the Secretary to learn more about physical and digital resources that you can borrow for the OAT exam!

Contact the Public Relations Chair to learn more about the discount codes we have for OATBooster, OATBootCamp, and Crack the OAT.

TOA Event

In the Spring semester, all the officers, along with eligible members, go to the Annual Texas Optometric Association Summit that displays the new technologies of the optometric field. We also do many other fun activities along this ~3 day trip!

UH POPS Banquet

Awards are handed out for the outstanding POPS members, yummy food is handed out, and we even play some games to unwind!

Our Team!

Go to the Officers’ Page to find out more about the Officers! You can also contact us through social media shown below!